Party 9 - 10 nov 13 · Indoor · Osaka, Japón Line Up: club kooma (Antiscarp Records / Fin) ROAD BAND (Trance Bum Productions / Fin) LEMON SLIDE (Freakdance / Fin)seiji animaminimal (DANCE OF SHIVA / Mandalavision / 蟲の響) Deep Fryer (6D-Soundz / Anticsarp) Maro (MaroMary / LIBERTY) sinX(6D-Soundz / 転輪)Info: It is all night Suomi Trance party at the heart of Osaka. This time we have 3 special live sets from Finland. Come and enjoy crazy and freaky sound after having lots of delicious food around Osaka dow…Location: Exodus, America-Mura, Shinsaibashi 2F, 1-2-27, nakahorie, ni… Termina: 11a 4m · 750 · Apuntado de sinX Fotos0 Gente Out of Base -Freaky Crazy Avantgarde Progressive Suomi Soundi Dance Music Party Osaka · Japón sáb, 9 nov 13, 22:00 - dom, 10 nov, 06:00= 8hIndoor · Termina: 11a 4m