Sorry, you have accessed a page that is only accessible to members.Click here to go to the Member Login Party 2 - 3 abr 11 · In- & Outdoor · Athens, Grecia Line Up: JUNO REACTOR / MIKE MACGUIRE djset MARK ALLEN / Matsuri Production - dj set AURA / Organic Dream - djsetInfo: ORGANIC DREAM present on Saturday 2 April "The Dream Of Time Travel v3" .. a time travel to Goa Trance! ...● JUNO REACTOR / MIKE MACGUIRE djset Juno Reactor is an electronic psytrance…Location: AMMOS beach club – Stasi Tram Loutra Alimou 24hs /Leoforos P… Termina: 13a 11m · 1.618 · Apuntado de ORGANIC DREAM Fotos0 Gente ORGANIC DREAM present The Dream of Time Travel v3 Athens · Grecia sáb, 2 abr 11, 23:00 - dom, 3 abr, 07:00= 8hIn- & Outdoor · Termina: 13a 11m