Sorry, you have accessed a page that is only accessible to members.Click here to go to the Inicio de sesión de los miembros Party 11 - 12 nov 17 · Club · Wien, Austria Line Up: Gobayashi (Astralzone) Franz Joksch (autoreverse) & more t.b.a.Info: OLDSCHOOL GOA PARTY @ Weberknecht Music strictly before year 2000 Strictly over 21Location: Weberknecht Lerchenfeldergürtel 47-49 1160 Wien Öffis: U6 Th… Termina: 7a 4m · 1.376 · Apuntado de Weber Fotos0 Gente Oldschool Goa Party Wien · Austria sáb, 11 nov 17, 22:00 - dom, 12 nov, 06:00= 8hClub · Termina: 7a 4m