Party 11 - 12 ene 20 · Indoor · Tokyo, Japón Line Up: ▲Main Floor ॐ Return to The Source - Goa Trance 1000% New year Special Guest ॐ Shidapu from Israel (Zion 604) ▲Live ॐ Jikooha ( Matsuri Digital/Panorama Rec/Shamanarchy) ॐ Minomar (Goalogique Rec/St…Info: Tokyo underground dj's bar Koenji Cave and "We have Goa Trance" project proudly announce that we hold special "Nu year (1000%) Goa Trance party"~ Return 2 to the Source~ on 11th Ja…Location: DJ's Bar CAVE 東京都杉並区高円寺南4-23-5 ACPビルB1 ACP building B1,4-23-… Termina: 5a 2m · 790 · Apuntado de mijinko Reportes0 Fotos0 Meeting0 Gente Nu Year Goa Trance Party 2020 ~Return 2 the Source~ Tokyo · Japón · Mapa sáb, 11 ene 20, 23:00 - dom, 12 ene, 08:30= 9h 30minIndoor · Termina: 5a 2m