Party 15 - 16 jun 24 · Open Air · Mielec, Polonia Line Up: Abyss - [Deepersense Music] Acme - [New Moon] Ambrotos - [Deepersense Music] NIGHT BIRDS LIVE - [Digital Shiva Power] ARCHAIC LIVE- [Pralayahrecords] Crawfisher - [Mandalabookings/Psyched] Dominorr -…Info: We are pleased to announce our flagship event Kupala OA Night on CYPEL. This a special occasion for us, as we celebrate the 10th anniversary of "Cycle" and our existence. Get ready for su…Location: Stawy u Nowaka, Cypel, Stawy u Nowaka, 39300 Mielec Termina: 8m 29d · 628 · Apuntado de NewMoonTRS Reportes0 Fotos0 Meeting0 Gente NOC KUPALY OA 10TH ANNIVERSARY /ARCHAIC Mielec · Polonia · Mapa sáb, 15 jun 24, 20:00 - dom, 16 jun, 14:00= 18hOpen Air · Termina: 8m 29d