Party 2 - 3 abr 11 · Open Air · Ticino, Suiza Line Up: Oblium SomaroboticsKsd (intro d'n'b) ACAB Jamal d.b Brainmare vs Ghost Experience Eenea NödweiszInfo: Chai shop by Daphne Bar with fair prices RadikalSoundSystem Extreme party for extreme freaks... Location above 1000 m, put warm clothes on, probably there will still be snow. Fires and hot drinks prov…Location: only email or facebook message one week before the party. Termina: 13a 11m · 3.044 · Apuntado de creaturasnekkapilze Fotos0 Gente Neurocolazione. Ticino · Suiza sáb, 2 abr 11, 20:00 - dom, 3 abr, 14:00= 18hOpen Air · Termina: 13a 11m