Party 15 - 16 dic 23 · Club · Padova, Italia Line Up: Acido Domingo (dj, live saxophone) Placido Flamingo (electric guitar) no bozo (live synth) dark star (dj)Info: The party features both dj set and live instruments altogether. From 22 pm Acido Domingo (dj, sax) will start with slow BPM psy dub and from midnight BPMs will slowly rise to 110 all the way to 140 ps…Location: Grindhouse, Via Longhin 37, Padova Termina: 1a 2m · 154 · Apuntado de AcidoDomingo_neo tribe records Reportes0 Fotos0 Meeting0 Gente Neo Psy Tribe Padova · Italia · Mapa vie, 15 dic 23, 22:00 - sáb, 16 dic, 04:00= 6hClub · Termina: 1a 2m