¡Uy! Ha accedido a una página a la que sólo pueden acceder los miembros.Aquí está la Inicio de sesión de los miembros Party 26 - 27 nov 10 · Indoor · Berlin, Alemania / 3 Line Up: UNIVERSAL DANCE REC. & NAMASTÉ-CREW presents... ...LIVE-ACTS: :::: ATMA :::: (BMSS Rec., Austria):::: Okin Shah :::: (Universal Dance Records & Delicatek Tribe, Stuttgart)...DJS: :::: Skaramanga vs. psychriz :::: (PsyVision Project, Berlin):::: MEEHAL & MONGOOSE :::: (Universal Dance Records, Leipzig) :::: MicroStar / AR-team Greece ::::Info: Haiti this year has been hit by earthquakes, poverty, cholera and the Tropical Storms season is leading to massive evacuations of the refugee camps... The situation for the people right now is miserab…Location: Club2010 / S-Bahn Landsberger Allee Landsbergerallee 117 Ber… Termina: 14a 3m · 5.337 · Apuntado de UNIVERSALDANCE Fotos0 Gente ::::::: NAMASTE ::::::: HAITI >> BENEFIT PARTY ::::::: Berlin · Alemania vie, 26 nov 10, 23:00 - sáb, 27 nov, 09:00= 10hIndoor · / 3 · Termina: 14a 3m