Party 13 - 14 sept 08 · Indoor · Innsbruck, Austria Line Up: from Sweden TRASKEL ( Sanaton Rec.-Golden Dawn Rec.-Phreex Network)NATAN & BONZO (Inpsyde-Parvati Rec.-Wirikuta) I / AInfo: The one man psychedelic trance project "Traskel" was founded by Marcus Ryman in Örebro, homeland of swedish power psychedelic trance since the beginning of our scene. After his first stormin…Location: Olympiaworld, Olympiastrasse 10 highway-exit Innsbruck Mitte Termina: 16a 6m · 4.009 · Apuntado de siouxsie Fotos0 Gente MYSTERY WORLD - PSYTRANCE MILIZ Innsbruck · Austria sáb, 13 sept 08, 22:00 - dom, 14 sept, 10:00= 12hIndoor · Termina: 16a 6m