¡Uy! Ha accedido a una página a la que sólo pueden acceder los miembros.Aquí está la Inicio de sesión de los miembros Party 25 - 27 dic 09 · Indoor · Kanchanaburi, Tailandia Line Up: Ghreg on Earth(USA) - more on the way.-Jacky (OOZE/TH) -DJ Yzdar (EPIC Tribe-Malaysia) -TheSuperglo (EPIC Tribe - Malaysia) -Dj.Amath(Moon Mountain Rec./TH) -PsyAtmah (OOZE/TH) -Phobos(looney-moon/IT) - to be announced.Info: This one of the infamous Trance Party in Thailand, possibly one of the famous in the world of underground parties. Blessed by Papa Fullpower and Dj.Jacky head of OOZE BAR family. This party is orga…Location: In the lake of Kanchanaburi Termina: 15a 1m · 7.071 · Apuntado de psyAtmah Fotos0 Gente Moon Mountain Party, Kanchanburi December Kanchanaburi · Tailandia vie, 25 dic 09, 10:00 - dom, 27 dic, 12:00= 2d 2hIndoor · Termina: 15a 1m