Party 13 - 14 feb 09 · Indoor · gent, Bélgica Line Up: LIVE : LOOP GENERATION The first progressive liveakt from belguim. A mix from Phasid-LANI .& R Deem from purple snow.A perfect combinatonLINE up ARJUNA - Trancedelica He gonna play his first progressive -minimalset no full on A excellent beginner for the even DJ @LFA TOE gaat de nacht verder zetten;ook hij is een opkomend talent in min…Location: ZAAL TEQUILA , stalhof, zijstraat overpoort , Gent Termina: 16a · 2.285 · Apuntado de franco Fotos0 Gente MINIMAL CRIMINAL By TRANCEDELICA gent · Bélgica vie, 13 feb 09, 22:00 - sáb, 14 feb, 09:00= 11hIndoor · Termina: 16a