Sorry, you have accessed a page that is only accessible to members.Click here to go to the Member Login Party 15 - 16 nov 08 · Indoor · near paderborn/hamm/soest/dortmund, Alemania Line Up: - ___EVILCORE (Moonsun Rec. / Portugal)____Evilcore is parallel project, in which Shakri started workin April 2007, in order to create a fusion of different varieties of trance mu…- ____TEKAEH (pitstop prod.)_____ ____CORIOUS (lycantrop rec. / pi prod.)_____ ____KILIAKARMA (akitoka/n.g.p.)_____ / ____DEWAIAS (pitstop rec.)____ _…Info: -4 PUNKT BESCHALLUNGSSYSTEM DER INTENSIVEN ART VON WUZUP die Jungs werden ihr Equipment laut dem neusten Stand auch noch gehörig aufstocken...wir sind gespannt!!! -CHAISHOP, FRISCHE FRÜCHTCHEN UND SA…Location: - kommt sobald se fix is.... - Termina: 16a 3m · 5.050 · Apuntado de ~karmara ~ Fotos0 Gente `*~MIND GAMES~*`pure evil trance dance near paderborn/hamm/soest/d… · Alemania sáb, 15 nov 08, 22:00 - dom, 16 nov, 17:00= 19hIndoor · Termina: 16a 3m