Party 30 - 31 mar 19 · Indoor · Izmir, Turquía Line Up: ✺ GYN-X ≜ 〔 Metacortex Records 〕 〔 Dream Crew Records 〕 ♬ ☫ I-TOUCH ≜ 〔MMP〕 ♬ ☫ BERSERKER ≜ ♬ ☫ VORTEX-Z ≜ 〔 Metacortex Records 〕 ♬ ☫ OXOMO ≜ 〔 Metacortex Records 〕 〔 Voodoo Hoodoo Records - The D…Info: As Metacore Festival this winter we want to meet in different places and have some pre meetings for reach more friends who love experimental sounds! We will have several Metacore Teasers in Turkey(The…Location: GOLF GAZINOSU ALSANCAK FUAR IZMIR TURKEY Termina: 5a 11m · 327 · Apuntado de MetaCortex Records Reportes0 Fotos0 Meeting0 Gente METACORE Festival Teaser IZMIR Izmir · Turquía · Mapa sáb, 30 mar 19, 21:00 - dom, 31 mar, 05:30= 7h 30minIndoor · Termina: 5a 11m