Party 10 - 11 may 13 · Indoor · barcelona, España Line Up: ... SCOPE (LOST THEORY) BELªªªªªª YARA (BANYAN, WILD SEVEN) VENªªªª .... LEPTON (LOST THEORY RECORDS) BEL ASHAUDI (ZENON RECORDS, UROBOROS, LA MALOKA) HERMITICAL (UROBOROS, LA MALOKA) CHIK´M (GLITCHY TONIC RECORDS, LA MALOKA) ...Info: The Lost Theory festival crew is currently cooking the edition of 2013. The new chapter of this extraordinary adventure will again take place on the grassy banks of a gently flowing river. On our fest…Location: 20 minutes north of Barcelona by train along the coast...nic… Termina: 11a 10m · 1.757 · Apuntado de lamaloka Fotos0 Gente ªªLM004.LOST THEORY FESTIVAL PARTYªª barcelona · España vie, 10 may 13, 22:00 - sáb, 11 may, 12:00= 14hIndoor · Termina: 11a 10m