Party 11 abr 09, 23:30 - 23:30 · Club · athens, Grecia Line Up: N.A.S.A(liveset) (iboga/iono)rec.dion(liquid minds) gon(liquid minds) j.p. illusionInfo: Mikkel Rasmussen from Denmark experimented with different kind of musical instruments in the past until he finally approached psychedelic music, as he considers himself as dynamic in his music as the…Location: vanilla club(thhseio) Termina: 15a 11m · 1.845 · Apuntado de divinorum Fotos0 Gente liquid minds presents athens · Grecia sáb, 11 abr 09, 23:30 - 23:30= ahoraClub · Termina: 15a 11m