Party 12 - 13 nov 11 · Indoor · Barcelona, España / 1 Line Up: Murukhan - (HippyFlip) swe Eleusis - (Alice- D) mex Btoxik- (Acidmaniacs) mex Norpheus - (Native Nomads) hun Aroa - (HippyFlip) esp NeuroFractal - (Expansiva) guate Damage - (DamageSound) can and more…Info: the last chance to dance in this place.. so lets all meet on the dancefloor!!! for this ocaccion hippyflip and native nomads will bring a crazy line up with full power sounds and an ambient full of su…Location: u know where.... where its always party these past weeks!! Termina: 13a 3m · 1.591 · Apuntado de ॐMurukhanॐ Fotos0 Gente Last Call 51 Barcelona · España sáb, 12 nov 11, 22:00 - dom, 13 nov, 17:00= 19hIndoor · / 1 · Termina: 13a 3m