Sorry, you have accessed a page that is only accessible to members.Click here to go to the Member Login Party 3 jul 22, 09:00 - 21:00 · Open Air · Bareggio, Italia Line Up: -LIVESET- - KREL VS TRIGUN - TWiGGER (Psynopticz Records/PsyGhetty Crew) -DJSET- - AXONIC SIMAW (Mantra Deko) - DEPA (PsyGhetty Crew) - DNS - ERNYA (Southern Glow Rec) - KALIGO (PsykoKarma Cr…Info: PsyGhetty Crew presenta: LAFTER 2 12 hr Psychedelic Day Party Fullon/Twilight/Hitech Laghett di Amis - Bareggio (MI) Saremo ospiti di una bellissima location immersa nella natura nei pressi di Milano.…Location: Laghett di Amis - Bareggio (MI) Termina: 2a 8m · 828 · Apuntado de PsyGhetty Crew Milano Reportes0 Fotos0 Meeting0 Gente LAFTER 2 Psychedelic Day Party Bareggio · Italia · Mapa dom, 3 jul 22, 09:00 - 21:00= 12hOpen Air · Termina: 2a 8m