Party 31 may - 1 jun 08 · In- & Outdoor · Istanbul, Turquía Line Up: La Baaz aka Paste (Switzerland) new album launchPaste / La Baaz ( Echoes Rec. & Plusquam Rec.) (Switzerland) Myconoid - ( KE) syntxerror - ( Kohlea )Info: This a special boat party that will cruise around the islands just outside Istanbul and end with a trip along the Bosphorus, all this of course along with some fine music and people under hot sunsh…Location: Boat Party leaving from Kabatas Termina: 16a 9m · 2.180 · Apuntado de karakula Fotos0 Gente La Baaz Live @ Beat Boat / Istanbul Istanbul · Turquía sáb, 31 may 08, 23:30 - dom, 1 jun, 07:00= 7h 30minIn- & Outdoor · Termina: 16a 9m