Party 24 - 25 abr 09 · Indoor · Vienna, Austria / 1 Line Up: P.A.R.A.T.O.X (Rudraksh Records / The Marburg Virus) D ( /) Nik Schneider & Peter Pfingst are PARATOX from Germany.They began to produce their powerful Darkpsy in the year 2002. Their sound focus on…DJ Astronom (Rudraksh Records / The Marburg Virus) DE ( /) DJ Astronom is Jens Seibel (28) from Marburg/Germany. He started to DJ in 1999 and performed at many parties in Germany and other countries…Info: Der Abschluss einer grandiosen KNECHT-Saison !! vorläufiger Timetable: ===== 22-00 Vasudeva 00-02 Astronom 02-05 Paratox Live & DJ 05-08 Se Olum Brothers 08-10 Knecht Kollektiv & FriendsLocation: Club MASSIV Untere Weißgerberstraße 37 1030 Wien Termina: 15a 10m · 5.085 · Apuntado de Soth Fotos0 Gente K.N.E.C.H.T. - Paratoximanie Vienna · Austria vie, 24 abr 09, 22:00 - sáb, 25 abr, 10:00= 12hIndoor · / 1 · Termina: 15a 10m