Party 9 - 10 mar 13 · Indoor · Budapest, Hungría Line Up: ༄ PROTONICA (IONO Music) (Germany) ༄ EGORYTHMIA (IONO Music) (Macedonia) ༄ FUNKY DRAGON (IONO Music) (Austria)Our special guest for the night: ༄ RICKARD BERGLÖF aka. VIBRASPHERE (Tribal Vision Records) (Sweden) ༄ CUBIXX (IONO Music) (Germany) ● HEAD OF IONO MUSIC ● ༄ JENSSON (IONO Music) (Germany) ༄ ALE…Info: After we had such a blast at our Berlin party, and after we realized that human kind might survive 2012 after all, we decided to put our legs on the gas pedal and make another label party, this time a…Location: Dürlin Termina: 11a 11m · 1.510 · Apuntado de sovi.spacedance Fotos0 Gente IONO NIGHT BUDAPEST pres. by Deeprog & Budapest · Hungría · Mapa sáb, 9 mar 13, 22:00 - dom, 10 mar, 10:00= 12hIndoor · Termina: 11a 11m