Party 7 - 8 feb 15 · Indoor · Budapest, Hungría Line Up: ARCEK ( KAMINO RECORDS) MEX PHILOSO ( KAMINO, NOiSE POiSON ) AT NASGUL (Fractal Audio Machinery) HUN APERAPE (Electric Moon rec) HUN VARÁZSLÓ HUNInfo: We are treding the path towards Inner Sanctum II. Moving forward with our first phase "the germination". We are happy to announce Arcek's (Kamino, Mex.) first live preformance in Budapest on…Location: R33 café, Budapest Termina: 9a 10m · 479 · Apuntado de dabudapest Fotos0 Gente Inner Sanctum: The Germination Budapest · Hungría · Mapa sáb, 7 feb 15, 22:00 - dom, 8 feb, 06:00= 8hIndoor · Termina: 9a 10m