Party 8 - 9 abr 11 · In- & Outdoor · Chania, Grecia Line Up: psyrabbithole / psychedelic funk prog break trance stuntman / psychedelic goa trance technoInfo: Attention will be rock concerts with live music before the party. The concerts begin at five ο 'clock, in the afternoon until one ο 'clock, in the evening. The party starts after and will la…Location: inside Technological University of Chania (Polytexneio) . Ou… Termina: 13a 10m · 1.469 · Apuntado de psyrabbithole Fotos0 Gente in psyrabbithole Chania · Grecia vie, 8 abr 11, 23:30 - sáb, 9 abr, 10:00= 10h 30minIn- & Outdoor · Termina: 13a 10m