Party 15 - 16 oct 05 · In- & Outdoor · London, Reino Unido Info: IMPLOSION 8th Act 15th October 2005 When you are on the dance floor and the music surrounds you, the beat hits you in your stomach and collapses inside you, that is Implosion. You are on the dance flo…Location: @ George IV, 144 Brixton Hill, SW2 - 10pm to 6am. Termina: 19a 2m · 1.385 · Apuntado de Free-Spirit Fotos0 Gente IMPLOSION 8th Act London · Reino Unido sáb, 15 oct 05, 22:00 - dom, 16 oct, 06:00= 8hIn- & Outdoor · Termina: 19a 2m