Party 23 - 24 sept 06 · Club · LONDON, Reino Unido Line Up: Jay OM aka Journey/Star~Trip (Free-Spirit Recs.) M-Klome (Free-Spirit Recs./Alchemy Recs.) Fordy (Free-Spirit Recs.) Meko (Free-Spirit Recs./ Evil Twins aka Star~Trip (Free-Spirit Recs./Ru…Info: IMPLOSION 18th "Act" Dancing on the dance floor you close your eyes, feeling the beats deep within, the music making your whole body vibrate with delicious energy, as the rhythm lightens you…Location: @Club414, 414 Coldharbour Lane, Brixton SW9, London - Brixto… Termina: 18a 5m · 1.185 · Apuntado de Free-Spirit Fotos0 Gente IMPLOSION 18th "Act" London · Reino Unido sáb, 23 sept 06, 22:00 - dom, 24 sept, 06:00= 8hClub · Termina: 18a 5m