Sorry, you have accessed a page that is only accessible to members.Click here to go to the Member Login Party 29 - 30 oct 11 · Indoor · Hamburg, Germany, Alemania / 5 Line Up: Cabeiri (Altar Records/ Greece) Der Waldläufer (Germany) GMO vs Dense (Altar Records/ Germany)Dense (Chillgressive Tunes/ Germany) DJason & Mixalis (Corfu Psy Tribe/ Greece) Cabeiri (Altar Records/ Greece)Info: Am Tag der neuen Ideen Nach unseren "Live Acts only" Parties wagen wir nun erneut ein Experiment und laden ein zur ultimativen Ambient/ Downbeat Party! Gespielt wird progressiver PsyAmbient…Location: Honigfabrik Industriestraße 125-131 Wilhelmsburg, Hamburg, G… Termina: 13a 4m · 5.790 · Apuntado de Imagepflege Fotos0 Gente Imagepflege "Ambient only" Altar Records Label Night Hamburg, Germany · Alemania sáb, 29 oct 11, 21:00 - dom, 30 oct, 12:00= 16hIndoor · / 5 · Termina: 13a 4m