Party 31 ene - 1 feb 15 · In- & Outdoor · ibiza, España Line Up: PAN PAPASON MENTALSHINE.NeurobioticRecords&SiriusEnt BACKUP aka nicefx. neurobioticRec SHAN-K.PsyaraCrew&SiriusEntInfo: In this Ibiza Vibestyle Edition we gonna do something special.. instead of having a limited schedule from hours.. we lengthen the event a bit.. We make performances with the same artists and some othe…Location: FUTURA LOUNGE BAHIA DE SAN ANTONIO/ BAHIA BAY SANT ANTONI. Termina: 10a 1m · 207 · Apuntado de Ibiza Vibestyle Fotos0 Gente IBIZA VIBESTYLE at BAHIA BAY ibiza · España · Mapa sáb, 31 ene 15, 23:30 - dom, 1 feb, 06:30= 7hIn- & Outdoor · Termina: 10a 1m