Party 28 - 29 abr 23 · Indoor · Basel, Suiza Line Up: RANJI (Israel) DARK3XPERIENCE OXYMORE PREDATOR SHAMANInfo: HYPNOSIUM w/ RANJI (Israel) 28.04.2023 // 23:00 - END I was enveloped in a hypnotic psychedelic dream world, vibrant colors and surreal shapes swirling around me. I felt a strange mix of emotions as I…Location: Kinker Club, Barcelona-Strasse 4, 4142 Basel Termina: 1a 10m · 381 · Apuntado de Kinker Club Reportes0 Fotos0 Meeting0 Gente HYPNOSIUM w/ RANJI, BASEL Basel · Suiza · Mapa vie, 28 abr 23, 23:00 - sáb, 29 abr, 08:00= 9hIndoor · Termina: 1a 10m