Party 5 - 6 abr 24 · Club · Basel, Suiza Line Up: MUSCARIA (AUT) / sonic loom music ANTONYMOUS (GRC) / sonic loom music DON IVO LUTION JACK KUMBAMATATA MAY CHAI vs. JURRI SEBASTIAN KOS TERRANOSTRA TRIBAL EFFECT FADE IN MIR aka STOFFTIERInfo: Hypnosium is back for his next dance! We're back at out homebase for another wild round! Nothing more to say yet... Get your ticket now and be curious what to expect. 2 Dancefloor 2 Bars Powerd by: FU…Location: KINKER Club, Barcelona-Strasse 4, 4142 Basel Termina: 11m 6d · 461 · Apuntado de Kinker Club Reportes0 Fotos0 Meeting0 Gente HYPNOSIUM w/ ANTONYMOUS & MUSCARIA Basel · Suiza · Mapa vie, 5 abr 24, 23:00 - sáb, 6 abr, 07:00= 8hClub · Termina: 11m 6d