Sorry, you have accessed a page that is only accessible to members.Click here to go to the Member Login Party 6 - 7 nov 10 · Indoor · wetzikon, Suiza / 1 Line Up: Mainfloor: - JOHNSON (blue tunes rec.) DE - present new stuff from fusi&johnson, haske&johnson - FRECHBAX (ajana rec.) DE - MIROWSKY (plusquam rec.) CH - NYAH (hclan) CH - live intro&outro Sidefloor:…Mainfloor: - MAPUSA MAPUSA (blue tunes rec.) DE - DANI W. (crazy people,5 vor 12) CH - BASSFORSCHER (spin twist rec.) DE - DANPAN (crazy people) DE - SPIRIT (h-clan) CH Sidefloor: - DANPAN & FLAKA (cr…Info: Höngger Clan und Crazypeople celebrating the celtic ritual "SAMHAIN" Samhain, das keltische Hexen-Neujahrsfest, ist die Sommerwende, da mit diesem Jahresfest die stille Jahreszeit beginnt. S…Location: kulturfabrik wetzikon Termina: 14a 2m · 5.124 · Apuntado de hirnschritt Fotos0 Gente Höngger Clan und Crazypeople "SAMHAIN" wetzikon · Suiza sáb, 6 nov 10, 21:00 - dom, 7 nov, 16:00= 19hIndoor · / 1 · Termina: 14a 2m