Party 9 - 10 jun 18 · In- & Outdoor · Prague, República Checa Line Up: Jesus Raves | Free Listening on SoundCloud Jesus Raves is project of Zdravko from Serbia, it exists from 2003 and from the beginning it’s concentrated on experimental psychedelic, high bpm sound. Inf…Location: Mayapur pokojíček Mezi vodami 35, 140 00 Prague, Czech Repub… Termina: 6a 9m · 1.088 · Apuntado de Psyence Fiction Reportes0 Fotos0 Meeting0 Gente HIVEMIND feat. Jesus Raves, Mentalecho Prague · República Checa · Mapa sáb, 9 jun 18, 22:00 - dom, 10 jun, 07:30= 9h 30minIn- & Outdoor · Termina: 6a 9m