Party 30 - 31 mar 24 · Indoor · Prague, República Checa Line Up: CLTR [HedoniX] Neurosponge [Psychedelic Freax / HedoniX] Psyrix [Bhooteshwara recs./HedoniX] Searcher [HedoniX] Stitches [HedoniX] t.b.a.Info: HedoniX, psytrance founding crew in Czech republic is together again! HedoniX and Storm club Prague invites you to meeting of psychedelic music from start to the end! HedoniX DJs all night Decos: Art…Location: Storm club Prague, Tachovské náměstí 5, 13000 Prague Termina: 8m 22d · 235 · Apuntado de 31Stitches Reportes0 Fotos0 Meeting0 Gente HedoniX in da Storm Prague · República Checa · Mapa sáb, 30 mar 24, 21:00 - dom, 31 mar, 05:00= 7hIndoor · Termina: 8m 22d