Sorry, you have accessed a page that is only accessible to members.Click here to go to the Member Login Party 29 - 30 jul 06 · Open Air · Pinhalinho (Agua de Medeiros) Leiria., Portugal Line Up: Cosmic Circle - U.T.A. / Goagadar PT Telephatic visions - (U.T.A. /happy friends) PT Shri Yantra (BuddhaMantra) PT Psylocybe Project (happy friens\ecliptica) PTEspecial International Guest´s: Zombiechild ( catalyst records Mexico) vs Shinchan ( mida records Belgium ) Psygil - (Good Morning Prod) PT Dj Veg -(ODD Records) PT Dj Bellas (u.t.a) Hynka (u.t.a\trib…Info: Free shopping (proibida venda de bebidas) Aparece para juntos celebrarmos o verão em sintonia com a natureza.... Brevemente mais info e flyer.Location: High way A1exit in Leiria(follow the fluo arrows), in direct… Termina: 18a 7m · 2.939 · Apuntado de Psy-Gil Fotos0 Gente Good Morning productions present:Summer Trip (free party) Pinhalinho (Agua de Medeiro… · Portugal sáb, 29 jul 06, 23:00 - dom, 30 jul, 14:00= 15hOpen Air · Termina: 18a 7m