Party 2 - 3 mar 13 · Indoor · Beijing, China Line Up: APHID MOON (Aphid Records, UK)PSYTRANCE PETE (GoaProductions, UK) MICROGRAM (GoaProductions, IL) GOTAMA (GoaProductions, BEL) RIGELMADE (GoaProductions, IT) MENG (GoaProductions, CN)Info: 2013.02 GoaProductions Presents APHID MOON (APHID RECORDS UK) On the 2nd of March 2013 a very unique partying experience will descend onto Beijing nightlife at Yugong Yishan. GoaProductions will be…Location: Yugong Yishan, Beijing Termina: 12a · 1.394 · Apuntado de GoaProductions Fotos0 Gente GoaProductions Presents APHID MOON ( UK) Beijing · China sáb, 2 mar 13, 22:00 - dom, 3 mar, 12:00= 14hIndoor · Termina: 12a