Party 27 - 28 ene 23 · Club · Wiesbaden, Alemania Line Up: ► LINEUP ॐ Logic Bomb live / Sweden In the mid 90s Sweden was introduced to a new type of dance music brought back from the golden beaches of Goa, India by an adventurous group of friends. Parties wer…Info: ॐ ॐ GФΛ ЯłТUΛŁ ॐ Logic Bomb live / Sweden In January we will have Logic Bomb with us, the Swedish dj well known to all of us became famous for his unique sound different from all the rest. After bein…Location: Schlachthof Wiesbaden, Murnaustr. 1 Wiesbaden, 65189 Wiesbaden Termina: 2a 1m · 972 · Apuntado de Psychedelic Love events Reportes0 Fotos0 Meeting0 Gente Goa Ritual / Logic Bomb live / Sweden Wiesbaden · Alemania · Mapa vie, 27 ene 23, 21:00 - sáb, 28 ene, 05:00= 8hClub · Termina: 2a 1m