Party 7 - 8 sept 12 · Club · Amsterdam Centrum, Países Bajos Line Up: Robert Leoni 4h GOA PSYCHEDELIC TRANCE EXPERIENCERobert Leoni (best 2012 EMP@SAE Amsterdam)Info: Psichedelic GOA party where you can't miss move your feet - mystic ambiance in Flying Dutchman brown bar - non stop TRANCE music till closing. Nice bar. Sofas and Pooltable for relax. Maximum freedom.…Location: The Flying Dutchman Cafè-Club, Martelaarsgracht 13hs, Amster… Termina: 12a 6m · 2.947 · Apuntado de GoAssssurdo RL DJ Fotos0 Gente GOA PSYTRANCE FREEPARTY @ The Flying Dutchman AMSTERDAM Amsterdam Centrum · Países Bajos · Mapa vie, 7 sept 12, 22:30 - sáb, 8 sept, 03:00= 4h 30minClub · Termina: 12a 6m