Party 18 - 19 mar 06 · In- & Outdoor · 50129 Bergheim (Niederaussem, Alemania / 56 Line Up: Silent Sphere & Dieter of Element on the drums (Midijum Rec. - Swiss) Magnetrixx (AP-Records) Synphonetic (Synphonie Rec. Album realesed!) Mad Contrabenders (Midijum - Netherlands) Elektro Punk (Synph…Jackomo (Sound of earth - Swiss) Bim (Midijum Rec.) Tante Lotte (Synphonie Rec.) Tulla (YSE/Mushroom mag) Yoka & Morgana (Savva Rec. / Morganixx) Kobold (Synphonie/ Mushroom mag) Starsky & Claudio (Si…Info: Special Soundsystems - Mainfloor 35KW - Secondfloor (Zirkuszelt) 16KW - protect your ears!!! Special light effects Shops, Chai & Food BBQ & funny games before the party starting at 19 ´clock Massage T…Location: Wasserburg Geretzhoven Termina: 18a 11m · 12.628 · Apuntado de Yoka Fotos0 Gente FrühlingsSynphonie 4 50129 Bergheim (Niederausse… · Alemania sáb, 18 mar 06, 21:00 - dom, 19 mar, 20:00= 23hIn- & Outdoor · / 56 · Termina: 18a 11m