Party 16 - 17 nov 13 · Open Air · selmun, Malta Line Up: Kala - Forestdelic Records - Slovenia Soul Kontakt - Bmss Records - GermanyChris Neegee Mystique VS Xibbi to open the event Cronizer Hrabar/Andrej - Forestdelic Records Acid Tester vs Nebula - Purple Hexagon Records Twisted Nature - Forestdelic Rec / Purple Hexagon Rec / Gan…Info: A Deep Spiritual Journey into the Spirit of the Forest enchanted by the magical sounds emitted by Twisted Nature from Ganja Tree/Purple Hexagon Records and Cronizer Hrabar/Andrej Ljatkovski from Fores… Termina: 11a 3m · 1.071 · Apuntado de natraj- dancing shiva Fotos0 Gente FORESTDELIC FREAKS - AN INITIATION OF KARMIC NATURE - THE FIRE RITUAL OF BABA YA selmun · Malta sáb, 16 nov 13, 23:30 - dom, 17 nov, 10:00= 10h 30minOpen Air · Termina: 11a 3m