Party 27 - 28 nov 10 · Indoor · close to helsinki, Finlandia Line Up: Poizon Kashyyyk Squaremeat Lillith Gruuvit muuvitMiazu & Polly Shatter sound Tim Duster TervaInfo: People of the butterflies join forces with Dark illminati to bring you this unique event. Forbidden ceremony is magical dance experience that will lead you deep state of trance. Ceremonial leaders DAN…Location: written on invitation Termina: 14a 3m · 2.681 · Apuntado de polly Fotos0 Gente Forbidden ceremony close to helsinki · Finlandia sáb, 27 nov 10, 22:00 - dom, 28 nov, 10:00= 12hIndoor · Termina: 14a 3m