Hop là ! Tu as consulté une page qui n'est accessible qu'aux membres.Ici, tu peux accéder à Connexion des membres Party 15 - 16 dic 12 · Indoor · Kloten, Suiza Line Up: ♫ TRYAMBAKA ♫ (PT) [PRESENTING HIS NEW TUNES] onefootgroove ♫ JESUS RAVES ♫ (SRB) Tribal Mutant Recs / Ultiva Recs ♫ PRINCIPLES OF FLIGHT ♫ (FRA) timecode rec. &…♫ ANESTETIC ♫ (PT/ZA) onefootgroove / timecode rec. / boom festival ♫ JIGSAW ♫ (CH/PT) [SILENT HORROR TRIBUTE SET!!] Bhooteshwara Rec. ♫ ALLCAMEANDBLEEDED ♫ (CH)…Info: PSYCHEDELIC FLOOR: 22.00-23.30 mind midget 23.30-01.30 psyhigh vs. Urban tribe 01.30-02.30 tryambaka LIVE 02.30-03.30 principles of flight LIVE 03.30-04:30 pain LIVE 04.30-06.00 anestetic 06.00-07.00…Location: Club Floor, Oberfeldstrasse 12a, 8302 Kloten ca. 5 Gehminute… Termina: 12a 2m · 2.193 · Apuntado de explosivenature productions Fotos0 Gente FLOWER OF LIFE with TRYAMBAKA, MERGEL, P.O.F. and many more! Kloten · Suiza sáb, 15 dic 12, 22:00 - dom, 16 dic, 12:00= 14hIndoor · Termina: 12a 2m