Party 2 - 3 abr 22 · Open Air · London, Reino Unido Line Up: Ataro (DarkWeb, Damaru, Freak Records) - UK 💥 Dark Whisper (Alice-D Records) - Italy 🌪 Antispin (Trick Records) - UK ✨ Dead Can Trance (Tera Futurum) - Greece/Ukraine ⚡️ Fele (Freak Records) - Austria…Info: The moment we've all been waiting for is finally upon us. Patience teaches, but the beats teach us more.. We hope your vibes are still up from Part One, as cold as it was, that was literally just the…Location: London Termina: 2a 11m · 433 · Apuntado de Existance Reportes0 Fotos0 Meeting0 Gente Existance: Prelude Part Two London · Reino Unido · Mapa sáb, 2 abr 22, 23:00 - dom, 3 abr, 14:00= 15hOpen Air · Termina: 2a 11m