Party 16 - 17 mar 19 · Indoor · Novi Sad, Serbia Line Up: KALA (Forestdelic Records) YUDHISTHIRA (Forestdelic Records) ANTHILL (Forestdelic Records) +more to be announcedInfo: It is said that every beginning of a new year bring new energy, new enthusiasm, and new reasons to get-together- inspired by this, we have decided to share with you something that you would not want t…Location: Dimitrija Bugarskog 12A Novi Sad, Serbia Termina: 5a 11m · 952 · Apuntado de Snailydelic Reportes0 Fotos0 Meeting0 Gente Elysium Island Promo Gathering Novi Sad · Serbia · Mapa sáb, 16 mar 19, 21:00 - dom, 17 mar, 05:00= 8hIndoor · Termina: 5a 11m