Party 17 - 18 abr 14 · Indoor · alps, Suiza Line Up: ANTISPIN LIVE (Digital Psionics Rec / Autriche- U.K.) ZZBING LIVE (Sub System Rec & Woodog Rec / U.K.)TOTO (Cap’tain chez World People Prod / Carcassonne) PSYBERPUNK (Resident ElectrOM Floor) Argonaute (Free Alps)Info: more info about that 3 days festival in 5 clubs, with only underground electronic music >>> please visit:Location: Fonderire Kugler (old Factory) Termina: 10a 10m · 1.109 · Apuntado de brousse Fotos0 Gente ELECTRON Festival (Zzbing +ANTISPIN +Toto+Psyberpunk ...) alps · Suiza jue, 17 abr 14, 22:00 - vie, 18 abr, 05:00= 7hIndoor · Termina: 10a 10m