Party 3 - 4 abr 20 · Club · Sevilla, España CANCELED Line Up: * BETWEEN THE LINES * - Sweden - (Horsepower Productions / Skizodelic Mind) - * P-DROP * (Green Planet Productions / United Tribes) - * PALMARIGEN * (Psyvilla) - * T3CHGNOSIS * (Psyvilla / Dy…Info: Still with the joy for the success of the first party and the great reception we had, DYSTOPIA returns for another night of great PSYTECH with the best possible atmosphere in @Prisma, the most importa…Location: Prisma Club (Pol. Ind. Calonge, C/ Terbio, 18 - Sevilla-) Termina: 4a 11m · 127 · Apuntado de Dystopia Reportes0 Fotos0 Meeting0 Gente DYSTOPIA 2.0 Sevilla · España · Mapa vie, 3 abr 20, 23:30 - sáb, 4 abr, 07:00= 7h 30minClub · CANCELED · Termina: 4a 11m