Party 6 - 7 jun 08 · Indoor · Frankfurt am Main, Alemania / 4 Line Up: ANKUR (SERES MUSIC, NOISE POISON REC./ BERLIN)ANARKEY (BLACK MAGIC RECORDS/ STUTTGART) CANNIBAL CROW ((PSYCROWDELICA/ MIND EXPANSION/ BERLIN) PUCK (RDS KREW/ GIESSEN) SOMADELIC (SCARED EVIL REC./ KÖLN)Info: spezial: 22h gehts los, mit "psychedelic movie tune in", präsentiert vom timewave 2012 ( team! also: better dont be late! what can you expect? you will hear new music, that is so…Location: Cantina, Gutleutstraße 294 in 60327 Ffm Termina: 16a 9m · 5.796 · Apuntado de könig lustig Fotos0 Gente Dunkelbunt Stepp 2 - another night of full power Psy Trance Frankfurt am Main · Alemania vie, 6 jun 08, 22:00 - sáb, 7 jun, 09:00= 11hIndoor · / 4 · Termina: 16a 9m