Party 31 dic - 1 ene 07 · Indoor · Ranzo (gambarogno) Ticino, Suiza Line Up: Moon Drops & friendsInfo: This a full on Psy-trance party :)!!! alchool will not be sold in the house, but if you want you can bring your own drinks...No profit, just fun!!!Location: in the house there will be space for 50 -70 dancer if… Termina: 18a 2m · 1.289 · Apuntado de Dakini Fotos0 Gente Drop into the new year Ranzo (gambarogno) Ticino · Suiza dom, 31 dic 06, 22:00 - lun, 1 ene 07, 15:00= 17hIndoor · Termina: 18a 2m