Party 20 - 21 feb 10 · Indoor · Berlin, Alemania / 7 Line Up: Lumbago--(Head of Prog on Syndicate) Querox--Prog on Syndicate (Head of Prog on Syndicate ) Zoetropes-Chaos fx (listen & enjoy) Dr.Changra--Iono-Music/YSE Rec. andDj Cubixx--Iono-Music (Head of IONO) and Dj Jensson--Iono-Music (Berlin) and Dj NeuroLogic--Listen Enjoy (Köln) Dj Heandima-Head of 3Klang Dj Der Loth-- (Berlin) Dj Arcturus-(Huitaka OA) Dj Sw…Info: Line UP:::: 22:00-0:00 Dj Arcturus 0:00-1:00 Querox (Live) 1:00-3:00 Dj Swoop 3:00-4:00 Lumbago (Live) 4:00-6:00 Dj Heandima 6:00-8:00 Dj Der Loth 8:00-9:00 Zoetropes-Chaos fx (Live) 9:00-11:00 Dj Neu…Location: Alte Molkerei Brunsbütteler Damm 51-53 13581 Berlin Termina: 15a · 6.451 · Apuntado de Dr.Changra Fotos0 Gente Dr.Changra's B-Day Party LINE UP ONLINE Berlin · Alemania sáb, 20 feb 10, 22:30 - dom, 21 feb, 14:00= 15h 30minIndoor · / 7 · Termina: 15a