Party 22 - 23 abr 11 · Indoor · Budapest, Hungría Line Up: PARA HALU - Psylife rec. Aurafood - Aurafood.netDolphin - Futurefolk / W-1 rec. Kalumet - Psylife rec. Tsubi - Humantouch Hruscsov - Y-production Toge & Botond - Y-productionInfo: You can get to Margit Island, with the tram 4/6, until the Margit bridge.From there take a walk to the island and from there 100 meter and down left. You can take also the bus 134 or 26. Electro Voic…Location: Brick club < cha cabrio inside Margit island < athleti… Termina: 13a 10m · 1.027 · Apuntado de dolpsyn Fotos0 Gente Dolphin B day party at Brick club ..chachacha cabrio inside Budapest · Hungría vie, 22 abr 11, 21:00 - sáb, 23 abr, 06:00= 9hIndoor · Termina: 13a 10m