Party 31 mar - 1 abr 23 · Club · Sofia, Bulgaria Line Up: 🎵 Lucyd (hybrid set) 🎵 Mira Ghazal 🎵 TEDKA 🎵 VityazInfo: Def1ned Me0w1ng Techn010gy presents Springtime SpaceCats After a very comfortable winter for all cats and people, filled with less snow than we would have liked, but more joy than we expected, we anno…Location: Toplocentrala, 5 Emil Bersinski Street, 1408, Sofia, Bulgaria, 1408 Sofia Termina: 1a 11m · 98 · Apuntado de DNAprocess Reportes0 Fotos0 Meeting0 Gente DMT presents Springtime SpaceCats Sofia · Bulgaria · Mapa vie, 31 mar 23, 23:00 - sáb, 1 abr, 07:00= 8hClub · Termina: 1a 11m