Party 16 - 17 dic 16 · Indoor · Sofia, Bulgaria Line Up: LINE UP: ॐ DNAprocess /Divine Magic Theory/ (BG) ॐ Resonant Warrior /Satori tribe/ Asoma / (BG) ॐ Sativex /Divine Magic Theory/ (PT) ॐ Trikoze /Enchanted Forest/ (BG) ॐ YAKSHA /Divine Magic Th…Info: Divine Magic Theory is going to organize one more event for 2016 on which we will celebrete the end of the galactic cycle and the start of new beautiful beginning. It's going to be accompanied with th…Location: STUDIO ORFEI (Samokov bul. 60) Sofia, Bulgaria Termina: 8a 2m · 420 · Apuntado de DNAprocess Fotos0 Gente Divine Magic Theory presents Galactic message ॐॐॐ Sofia · Bulgaria · Mapa vie, 16 dic 16, 22:00 - sáb, 17 dic, 10:00= 12hIndoor · Termina: 8a 2m