Party 14 - 15 mar 20 · Indoor · Copenhagen, Dinamarca Line Up: Astral Projection TIP Records Israel ☆ Filteria Sun Trip Records Sweden ☆ Joti Sidhu/Psychaos England ☆ Deedrah Iboga Records France ☆ Transwave Matsuri/ Distance France ☆ Astro-D Spiral Trax Greece ☆…Info: This a Goatrance party made with love and devotion for our culture and to revive that happines we had since the early 90:s.Location: just 15 minute walk from Copenhagen central station at KPH V… Termina: 4a 11m · 1.275 · Apuntado de Stargate Reportes0 Fotos0 Meeting0 Gente Destination Goa-Revival Copenhagen · Dinamarca sáb, 14 mar 20, 20:30 - dom, 15 mar, 07:00= 10h 30minIndoor · Termina: 4a 11m